Sunday, October 2, 2011

What we've been working on.....


We will begin flexibly grouping tomorrow (beginning of a new unit).  Look for more information soon! :)

I will not be posting information about reading after this week. Your child's "flexible reading teacher" will have their own blog for you to follow for reading updates.

We have been working on subtraction. This is a very difficult concept for many kids! So, we practiced subtraction number bonds with Smarties! The kids really enjoyed this, and I think it helped them with subtraction number bonds. Many students are getting addition and subtraction number bonds confused, so please help them with this at home. Remind them that the whole is the largest number and is the first number in the subtraction sentence.
                                   Look how fun!! He is making a number bond with Smarties!


We are finally finished our month long unit in science this week. We worked on the life cycle of a plant, and also learned the parts of a plant. Students made a model of the parts of a plant with "fuzzy sticks" (pipe cleaners). They had a great time making their models. Quiz them on the parts to see how much they have learned! The parts they should know are: roots, stem, leaves, and flowers. They should also know the function of each part.

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