Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Our Weekly Learning!


We started flexibly grouping for reading last week. So far, it has gone really well and the kids seem to be benefiting from it. Thank you so much for your patience with homework last week. We were in a "groove" prior to our switch, and now we are trying to figure out how we will assign and keep track of homework. Thank you so much for your patience!! Every student will have a reading log and spelling to complete each week. I know that the way you have practiced reading and spelling may look differently now, but I appreciate your willingness to adapt to the changes. All homework will be assigned on Monday's, and be collected the following Monday.  Also, all of first grade will be going to the library/media center on Monday's with their flexible reading group teacher. Please be sure to send your library book back Monday morning!


We just finished our unit on subtraction!! This was a very challenging unit for most students. We took the test last Thursday, and overall everyone did really well. I am so proud of them! We played a review game of addition memory match and subtraction bingo. They had a great time playing with their friends! We will begin Chapter 5: Shapes and Patterns today. This will be a really interactive unit where the kids will be able build and create new shapes and patterns.

                                                                              Social Studies

We just finished our unit called, "Me and My Family" in social studies. They will be bringing home books they created about themselves and their families this week. They are very precious and would be a great "keepsake" item! They wrote things they like to do with their family, their wants/needs, and what they will do to help their families. We will start our new unit in science tomorrow. We will be learning about habitats!

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