Thursday, September 22, 2011

Welcome to Our Classroom Blog!

I am so excited to begin our classroom blog! I will keep you informed on all of the exciting things we do in first grade through our blog. I will update the blog weekly so you will know the new and interesting things we are learning! This is a very informal blog, so please be sure to add yourself as a follower!

Upcoming Events!

Field Trip--We are taking a trip to Boyd Orchard on October 10. We have been learning about life cycles in science (animal and plant). We are going to learn about the life cycle of the apple tree before our field trip. While we are there, students will participate in an educational presentation, hayride, pick apples, petting zoo, and playground. We are going to have a great time! We would love to have chaperones, so please let me know if you are interested. :)

MAP testing--- We take a standarized test called "MAP" three times per year. It compares our children with other students throughout the country. We have taken both the reading and math portion. As soon as the scores are posted, I will let you know how your child did on the test. I was very proud of the effort they put forth! This is a very challenging "test", and they all gave great effort.

Read Aloud-- We will start our read aloud rotation schedule next week. We will have a parent/guardian volunteer to read aloud to our class once a week. I am so excited to begin this new opportunity! The kids are going to enjoy sharing books!

All for now!
Ms. Poer

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